We have recently moved a mobile mail remote access solution from an old gateway to a new one. Both are currently operational. Every so often, maybe 3-4 times per day, the new gateway seems to fail. There is nothing in the normal logs, and the service just seems to come back again between 30 and 90 minutes later. No-one does anything it just stops and starts seemingly randomly. Bothe gateways are configured the same, and at the same Datacentre, but this is only impacting the new gateway. Both are on R80.10, but not for much longer once I get this issue resolved.
When browsing to the Checkpoint Capsule web page, which normally loads with a username / password prompt the page simply says "Error: Page cannot be displayed. An error occurred while processing the request."
When connecting from the capsule client an error comes up saying "Failed to connect: Network error occurred during login." This comes up immediately after the user enters their username/password and it does not matter if the password is right or wrong. There is no 1/2 to 1 second delay like you'd expect with a normal LDAP lookup.
The firewall hosting the service does not seem to experience any 'network failures' and is a gateway to a highly critical transactional processing system where by even a blip for 1 second is noticed, yet the issue can last for up to 90 minutes (observed).
In the logs I see the incoming https connection which is accepted, then nothing more, no login data being rejected or accepted, nothing. I can't find anything on the internet covering this specific issue. Anyone seen this or similar before, or could you point me to other logs which may show what happens immediately a client connects.
Thanks Matt