Good afternoon.
We use SIP telephony via Mobile Access. Users connect to Capsule VPN and can use the mobile app to make calls to our internal numbers.
Ports 10000-20000 are used for this purpose.
Now we have a need to introduce additional telephony, which will work on ports 39960-40000.
And there was a problem with that.
The call goes through, the call is set, but the voice is not heard.
All necessary ports on the gateways are open.
Here are the results of our tests:
1) SIP telephony works, which worked for us all the time at 10000-20000, does not work correctly on ports 399600-40000. The problem is the same, I can't hear the voice.
2) The new telephony has been switched to ports 10000-20000, everything works correctly, the call is set, the voice is heard.
3) We turned off the Capsule VPN for testing. Both SIP telephony and the new telephony work correctly on 10000-20000 and 399600-40000 ports.
Therefore, we conclude that Capsule VPN blocks ports 399600-40000, but we do not understand exactly how.
Please help me with this, maybe someone has already met with this.