for this you have to find the proper PromQL query.
system_traffic_connections{speed} shows you the interface Speed.
you probably have to combine it or compare it with :
I personally do not monitor the Interface speed because in my case this is irrelevant. In general I am more interested in throughput:
ceil((avg_over_time(system_network_interface_io_transmit_rate{host_name=~".*", interface="TOTAL"}[15m]) / 1024 / 1024 ) >= 8000) ## >= XXX Firewall throughput bigger than X, convert from bits to Mbit and without any decimals over the last 15 minutes
I only use "transmit" because everything which is sent came in at some time.
count by (host_name)( ### counts and groups by host_name
sum by (cpu,host_name) (
100 - avg_over_time(system_cpu_utilization{host_name=~".*", state="idle"}[5m]) ## 100% - CPU Idle avg over 5 minutes = cpu usage over 5 minutes
)>= 70 ### shows all CPU cores and hostnames which load is higher tha 70 percent
) >= 3 ### only shows systems where cpu core usage is higher than 70% for at least 3 cpu cores at the same time