Hi Community,
I don't know who is familiar ot not with TRex, therefore I would like to share my experience.
Our task was to test a new Quantum Spark 2000 gateway. According to the datasheet it has pretty good performace parameters, so lets do it.

We were a little bit skeptical, and we wanted to know the truth. We were not disappointed.
I haven't use this tool before for testing, so I started (and ended :-)) as a beginner. Ipref was enough for me
I used this short syllabus for installing the tool: https://blog.hacksbrain.com/cisco-trex-packet-generator-step-by-step#heading-planning-the-trex-inter...
And the nasty details:
First: I used a simple UBUNTU 24.04.2 LTS (latest te best) and TRex 3.06
And the first step I git this error
opt/trex/v3.06/./dpdk_setup_ports.py:64: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
_2hex_re = '[\da-fA-F]{2}'
/opt/trex/v3.06/./dpdk_setup_ports.py:513: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\d'
ofed_ver_re = re.compile('.*[-](\d)(\d)?[.](\d)(\d)?[-].*')
/opt/trex/v3.06/./dpdk_setup_ports.py:865: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\s'
ifname_re = re.compile('iface\s*=\s*([^\s,]+)')
This error belongs to, or came with the new Python 3.12:
Forget it.
Second I used a simple UBUNTU 22.04.5 (as the syllabus wrote) and TRex 3.06
The Python error disappeared, but a new arose, when I tried to execute the traffic generation:
"EAL: FATAL: Cannot get hugepage information."
This is a known issue and will fixed in the upcoming release, so you need to fix it manually.
This is my short story. I hope it was not boring.