Hey all
First post here, and this probably isn't a unique situation, but I can't seem to figure out what's going on...
I bought a used 4600 (I think), it's for sure it s T160 model.
I bought it to use with VyOS.
I chose this because I read about a few others using it, and comparable hardware from Lanner or netgate is quite expensive.
I was able to install VyOS white easily, and it was ready to start the config. I set the eth1 to my internal ip, Port 2 (eth1) was responding it pings and I wanted to move on. However, I wanted to set up a second IP while I was getting the config entered as to not conflict with the existing gateway.
At that point I had 3 cables plugged in, and set an IP on port 3 (eth2) as
I unplugged port 2 (eth1) and went back to my PC to continue the config entry.
As expected, the ping replies and stopped.
But then the weirdest thing happened. started responding again about 10 seconds after unplugging the cable from the port it was configured on.
I checked, and sure enough it was responding on the port with the correct MAC address for port 3 (eth2).
So, somehow, without any failover config, this IP address failed over to another port. At least, no software config within vyos.
I tested this a few more times with multiple ports and it did the same thing every time.
Is there some sort of hardware thing on these systems that would cause this? And if so, can it be disabled?
I've never worked with checkpoint hardware before, so I'm very confused.