Little late to the party, but here's how I got it working.
Using vim -V shows what's being loaded during VIM startup
Fetch http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/vim-7.0.tar.bz2
Unpack the bz2 file, scp it to your server's /tmp and untar the file.
It will create a folder named vim70 and the sub folder runtime
If you have a ${HOME}/.vim folder, rename it.
Move the runtime folder to ${HOME}/.vim
Navigate to /usr/share/vim70/syntax
Make the following symbolic links:
ln -s ${HOME}/.vim/syntax/nosyntax.vim .
ln -s ${HOME}/.vim/syntax/syntax.vim .
ln -s ${HOME}/.vim/syntax/colsyntax.vim .
I'm sure you could go all Sherlock and pick what you exactly need for colorized syntax highlighting, I didn't 😉
Best of luck!