40 years in IT has not prepared me to understand the software version schemes used by Checkpoint but I am trying.
Please help me understand this taken from sk119612
"Unless stated otherwise, every R80.10 SmartConsole Build in this article including R80.10 GA SmartConsole build can be used as a GUI client for each R80.10 Jumbo HotfixTake and for R80.10 General Availability."
OK, here is a list of builds 'in this article' : (Is there a hiden 'unless otherwise stated' in the sk?)
073, 056, 042, 029, 024, 013, 005, 001
So, my current Smart Console version R80.10 Build is: 991140056 but really just 056.
My gateways are R80.10 Jumbo Hotfix (Take 121) so should I have Smart Console Build 073 or is it ok to stick with 056?
However, MaxPower second edition says to make sure I'm running the latest version of SmartConsole.
Thank you,