Hi all
Im trying to do a migration from r80.40 to r81.10 using the latest tools migrate_server. - This is an Azure Environment that we wish to upgrade thus in place upgrade is not supported
Downloaded the latest tools to the box, all happy there
Running the tools we got the following error
[Expert@<SMS>:0]# ./migrate_server verify -v R81.10 -skip_upgrade_tools_check
Verification failed: exsists
1. In upgrade with /var/log/upgradeWithoutIps, no IPS tags can be referenced from a user created threat profile (in IPS-> Additional Activation). Remove the tags from the relevant profiles rules and run the operation again. Profiles: profile: "Optimized(ABC123)" in domain: "SMC User" .
2. There are no IPS packages suitable for the upgrade. Do an IPS update before exporting the database. If you do not use IPS, follow sk168614.
I followed sk168614 and no luck, it kept coming up with the error
We dont use IPS (though we had created a custom profile to play around with a test firewall) So we were happy to delete the user created threat profile. Did a where used and then manually changed any policies in which it was in to Basic.
So now, the only threat profiles on there are Basic, Optimized and Strict.
We pushed policy to all firewalls. We installed Database. We have rebooted the sms
We get EXACTLY the same error message (as above) but we cannot find that profile. It literally does not seem to exist.
If anyone can help, it would be very much appreciated as I am reluctant to do a "--ignore_warnings"