Hello Val,
Thanks for the reply.
Please find the results of the tests done as per the SK.
Ping from gateway :

Ping from management server :

From gateway:

From Management server :

- Running unified_dl UPDATE ONLINE_SERVICES :
On Management :

On Gateway :

- Running: psql_client cpm postgres -c "select * from onlineservicespackagestatus;" on the Management server

- Ran the following commands as per sk111080 :
- grep -n "load_content" $FWDIR/conf/objects_5_0.C

- grep Allow $CPDIR/registry/HKLM_registry.data | grep Data
ckp_regedit -p /SOFTWARE/CheckPoint/CPshared/6.0/reserved | grep CheckPoint

- grep -A 2 DownloadAccess $CPDIR/tmp/umis_objects.C

- $CPDIR/bin/cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPshared//6.0//reserved AllowReceivingDataFromCheckPoint 1
$CPDIR/bin/cpprod_util CPPROD_GetValue CPshared//6.0//reserved AllowSendingDataToCheckPoint 1