1. did you try to reboot the SMS?
2. when you do the TOP -H on the SMS, does it show fwm process running as well as the cpd?
3. can you paste here your TOP -H if possible?
4. does cpwd_admin list shows
CPVIEWD 3808 E 1 [14:02:06] 2/1/2019 N cpviewd
HISTORYD 3811 E 1 [14:02:06] 2/1/2019 N cpview_historyd
CPD 3825 E 1 [14:02:06] 2/1/2019 Y cpd
FWD 3926 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N fwd -n
FWM 3929 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N fwm
SOLR 4052 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N java_solr /opt/CPrt-R80/conf/jetty.xml
RFL 4066 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N LogCore
SMARTVIEW 4098 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N SmartView
INDEXER 4119 E 1 [14:02:12] 2/1/2019 N /opt/CPrt-R80/log_indexer/log_indexer
SMARTLOG_SERVER 4190 E 1 [14:02:13] 2/1/2019 N /opt/CPSmartLog-R80/smartlog_server
DASERVICE 23284 E 1 [11:45:56] 9/1/2019 N DAService_script
CPM 4542 E 1 [14:02:18] 2/1/2019 N /opt/CPsuite-R80/fw1/scripts/cpm.sh -s
CPSM 22452 E 1 [14:06:02] 2/1/2019 N cpstat_monitor
LPD 22639 E 1 [14:06:32] 2/1/2019 N lpd
or anything you find missing? please compare. that SMS is R80.10 take 169.
show us also your cpinfo -y all if you can.