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SmartTask - Check for Address Range Object Creation

Hi all,


I am trying to figure out how to write a script for use in Smart Task to stop users creating address range objects before publishing, has anyone done anything similar or know if this is even possible? I've not done this before so thought I would ask whilst I try to figure it out.



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2 Replies

The closest example of this that we have is here: 
The script passed as part of this is base64 encoded and looks something like this:


trigger_json=`echo $1 | base64 --decode -i`

# Getting the list of relevant admins from the custom data
relevant_admins=`echo $trigger_json | jq .\"custom-data\".admins`

# echo $relevant_admins

# Name of the admin that's publishing a session
publishing_admin=`echo $trigger_json | jq -r .session.\"user-name\"`

# echo $publishing_admin

# If the publishing admin isn't relevant for validation, exit without error
if [[ `echo $relevant_admins | jq --arg ADMIN "$publishing_admin" 'contains([$ADMIN])'` = "false" ]]; then
    printf '{"result":"success"}\n'
    exit 0

# Getting the allowed tag
allowed_tag=`echo $trigger_json | jq -r .\"custom-data\".\"allowed-tag\"`
# check type of objects that were create/modified/deleted in this session
session_objcets=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | (."added-objects"[] | {"name" , "type":.type}) , (."deleted-objects"[] | {"name", "type":.type}), (."modified-objects"[] | {"name":."new-object".name, "type":."new-object".type})' | jq -s .`
session_objects_details=`echo $session_objcets | jq '.[] | {"name", "type":.type, "valid_type": ( [.type]-["host","network","group","access-rule","application-site-group"]| length == 0)}' | jq -s .`
number_of_objects_with_bad_type=`echo $session_objects_details | jq '.[] | select(."valid_type" == false)' | jq -s '. | length'`
list_of_objects_with_bad_type=`echo $session_objects_details | jq '.[] | select(."valid_type" == false)' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_objects_with_bad_type -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="You can only create/modifiy/delete of type: host, network, group, access rule, application/site group"
    m2="The following objects cannot be created/modified/deleted (unauthorized object type): $list_of_objects_with_bad_type"
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
    exit 0

# check objects that were created as part of the session
# look for mandatory tag
created_objects=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | ."added-objects"[] | {"Name", "Type":.type, "With_Tag":([.tags[].name] | index($TAG_NAME)!=null), "Tag_count":(.tags | length)}' --arg TAG_NAME "$allowed_tag" | jq -s .`
number_of_created_objects_without_tag=`echo $created_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false) ' | jq -s '. | length'`
list_of_created_objects_without_tag=`echo $created_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false) ' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .Name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_created_objects_without_tag -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="You can only create object with the tag \"$allowed_tag\"."
    m2="The following objects don't have this tag: $list_of_created_objects_without_tag"
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
    exit 0

# see if there's no extra tag
number_of_objects_with_more_than_one_tag=`echo $created_objects | jq ' .[] | select( (."With_Tag" == true) and (."Tag_count" != 1) ) ' | jq -s '. | length'`
list_of_objects_with_more_than_one_tag=`echo $created_objects | jq ' .[] | select( (."With_Tag" == true) and (."Tag_count" != 1) ) ' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .Name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_objects_with_more_than_one_tag -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="You can only create object with the tag \"$allowed_tag\"."
    m2="The following objects have an extra tag in addition to this tag: $list_of_objects_with_more_than_one_tag"
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
    exit 0

# check objects that were deleted as part of the session
deleted_objects=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | ."deleted-objects"[] | {"Name","Type":.type,"With_Tag":([.tags[].name] | index($TAG_NAME)!=null),"Tag_count":(.tags | length)}' --arg TAG_NAME "$allowed_tag" | jq -s .`
number_of_deleted_objects_without_tag=`echo $deleted_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false)' | jq -s ' . | length'`
list_of_deleted_objects_without_tag=`echo $deleted_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false) ' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .Name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_deleted_objects_without_tag -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="You can only delete object with the tag \"$allowed_tag\"."
    m2="The following objects don't have this tag: $list_of_deleted_objects_without_tag"
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
    exit 0

# check objects that were modified as part of the session
modified_objects=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | ."modified-objects"[] | {"Name":."new-object".name, "Type":."old-object".type, "With_Tag": ([."old-object".tags[].name] | index($TAG_NAME)!=null),"Tag_count":(."old-object".tags | length)}' --arg TAG_NAME "$allowed_tag" | jq -s .`
number_of_modified_objects_without_tag=`echo $modified_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false)' | jq -s '. | length'`
list_of_modified_objects_without_tag=`echo $modified_objects | jq ' .[] | select(."With_Tag" == false) ' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .Name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_modified_objects_without_tag -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="You can only modify objects with the tag \"$allowed_tag\""
    m2="The following objects don't have this tag: $list_of_modified_objects_without_tag"
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
    exit 0

# check that the object's tag list is the same for modified objects.
modified_objects_with_all_tags=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | ."modified-objects"[] | {"name":."new-object".name, "old-tags":[."old-object".tags[].name], "new-tags":[."new-object".tags[].name] }' | jq -s .`
modified_objects_with_tags_diff=`echo $modified_objects_with_all_tags | jq '.[] | {"name": .name , "removed": (."old-tags" - ."new-tags" | length), "added":(."new-tags" - ."old-tags" | length)}' | jq -s .`
modified_objects_with_changed_tags=`echo $modified_objects_with_tags_diff | jq '.[] | {"name" : .name, "changed":((.added+.removed) != 0)}' | jq -s .`
number_of_objects_with_changed_tags=`echo $modified_objects_with_changed_tags | jq ' .[] | select(.changed == true)' | jq -s '. |length'`
list_of_objects_with_changed_tags=`echo $modified_objects_with_changed_tags | jq ' .[] | select(.changed == true)' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ] `
if [ $number_of_objects_with_changed_tags -gt 0 ]; then
    m1="The following objects cannot be modified (you are not allowed to change their tags): $list_of_objects_with_changed_tags" >&2
    printf '{"result":"failure","message":"%s"}\n' "$m1"
    exit 0

printf '{"result":"success"}\n'

 It should be possible to modify this script to support the desired business logic.

0 Kudos

Thanks for this, I'll see if I can get this to work.

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