The "exporting to csv" functionality via SmartView is more robust and with less limitations than the one we had in SmartConsole. Therefore, we decided to focus on that and point users there.
It should be pretty simple to launch SmartView, and users that already have SmartConsole access, should have https access to the management machine. If you go to the "LOGS & MONITOR" page (left navigation), and open a new tab using the "+" button, you can see a link to SmartView at the bottom left. Just click it and it will take you to the SmartView logs view.
There is another "hidden" option, if you really want to open it through SmartConsole. If you activate "High Contrast" mode under "MANAGE & SETTINGS" => "Preferences" => "Accessibility", that will cause SmartConsole to load an embedded SmartView logs page within SmartConsole. You need to relaunch SmartConsole for it to take effect.
For a one-off need, that will work, but I warn you that it makes all the colors look wacky 😉