Hey @Kid555
As far as first SK you pointed out, procedure is pretty simple and I tested it in my R81.20 lab and worked fine. Does it not work for you? Cause literally all you do is what it says, copy/paste the rule, then delete original rule, push policy, thats it. Also, something else worth pointing out (at least from my experience), I never found hit count to work CONSISTENTLY, until R1.20, where it works flawlessly. So, as long as your mgmt is on R81.20 and gateways at least R81+, even NAT policy rules hit count works as expected, which never worked properly before.
To reset the Hit Count for specific rule(s), proceed as follows:
- Open the relevant policy package via SmartConsole.
- Copy/paste the rule you want to reset Hit Count for.
- Delete the original rule.
- Install the Security policy.