We upgraded our multi-domain infrastructure this past weekend and have started re-indexing previous logs that we keep online. We essentially set each domain's CMA to index back 14 days, then 28, 42, etc...
We predictably couldn't search for logs until re-indexing for that time period had completed but although we can now pull up logs for the time periods re-indexing has completed the reports and views still only show logs from after the upgrade.
NB: We did wait for re-indexing on the multi-domain log server to complete for the past 14 days before then initiating re-indexing on the Smart Event server.
Just to avoid ambiguity:
- On primary and secondary multi-domain management servers (primarily audit records):
days=1827; # 5 years
for f in /var/opt/CPmds-R81/customers/*/CPrt-R81/log_indexer; do
if [ `grep -c days_to_index $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf` -lt 1 ]; then
sed -i "s/\(:max_disk_space_usage.*\)/\1\n\t:days_to_index ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
sed -i "s/\(:days_to_index\) .*/\1 ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
- On multi-domain log server:
for f in /var/opt/CPmds-R81/customers/*/CPrt-R81/log_indexer; do
if [ `grep -c days_to_index $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf` -lt 1 ]; then
sed -i "s/\(:max_disk_space_usage.*\)/\1\n\t:days_to_index ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
sed -i "s/\(:days_to_index\) .*/\1 ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
MDS management servers re-indexed the last 5 years worth of logs for 50+ domains within half an hour. The log server took predictably longer. When that finished the next day we were sure to start the Smart Event server re-indexing after the log server had started on the day before and told it to re-index the last 15 days of logs:
if [ `grep -c days_to_index $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf` -lt 1 ]; then
sed -i "s/\(:max_disk_space_usage.*\)/\1\n\t:days_to_index ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
sed -i "s/\(:days_to_index\) .*/\1 ($days)/" $f/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf;
The Smart event and reporting server appeared to re-index the data from the log servers, producing a visible increase in inbound network traffic and CPU utilisation:

We subsequently increased the MDS log server re-indexing to 29 days (14 + 14 + 1) before subsequently wanting to then set the Smart Event server to re-index 29 days of logs in to the past.
We are now able to search for logs within the last week, for example:

We are however still not able to view reports for these time periods:

We can also confirm that the Smart Event server has indexes for the past two weeks that we asked it to re-index for:
[Expert@fwcpse1:0]# pwd
[Expert@fwcpse1:0]# du -s *
1028 audit_2021-05-17T00-00-00
888 audit_2021-05-18T00-00-00
1104 audit_2021-05-19T00-00-00
720 audit_2021-05-20T00-00-00
1204 audit_2021-05-21T00-00-00
656 audit_2021-05-22T00-00-00
680 audit_2021-05-23T00-00-00
724 audit_2021-05-24T00-00-00
984 audit_2021-05-25T00-00-00
880 audit_2021-05-26T00-00-00
716 audit_2021-05-27T00-00-00
488 audit_2021-05-28T00-00-00
1848 audit_2021-05-29T00-00-00
684 audit_2021-05-30T00-00-00
940 audit_2021-05-31T00-00-00
1836 files_2021-05-27T00-00-00
1144 files_2021-05-29T00-00-00
5100 files_2021-05-30T00-00-00
12476 files_2021-05-31T00-00-00
252 firewallandvpn_2021-05-29T00-00-00
612 firewallandvpn_2021-05-30T00-00-00
452 firewallandvpn_2021-05-31T00-00-00
10100 other_2021-05-16T00-00-00
3157056 other_2021-05-17T00-00-00
3259132 other_2021-05-18T00-00-00
3274084 other_2021-05-19T00-00-00
3377628 other_2021-05-20T00-00-00
3068380 other_2021-05-21T00-00-00
1002640 other_2021-05-22T00-00-00
806016 other_2021-05-23T00-00-00
3306924 other_2021-05-24T00-00-00
3681420 other_2021-05-25T00-00-00
3993888 other_2021-05-26T00-00-00
4442920 other_2021-05-27T00-00-00
150012 other_2021-05-28T00-00-00
296636 other_2021-05-29T00-00-00
1782444 other_2021-05-30T00-00-00
7185800 other_2021-05-31T00-00-00
39492 resources_2021-05-17T00-00-00
49812 resources_2021-05-18T00-00-00
44116 resources_2021-05-19T00-00-00
40788 resources_2021-05-20T00-00-00
38244 resources_2021-05-21T00-00-00
20096 resources_2021-05-22T00-00-00
11032 resources_2021-05-23T00-00-00
43084 resources_2021-05-24T00-00-00
42328 resources_2021-05-25T00-00-00
44000 resources_2021-05-26T00-00-00
51532 resources_2021-05-27T00-00-00
10632 resources_2021-05-29T00-00-00
115500 resources_2021-05-30T00-00-00
462532 resources_2021-05-31T00-00-00
468 smartevent_2021-05-29T00-00-00
1008 smartevent_2021-05-30T00-00-00
2288 smartevent_2021-05-31T00-00-00
12 template
Any clue as to what we've missed?
David Herselman