Hi Checkmates
We have recently automated policy installation via Ansible using the Checkpoint Ansible Management collection.
At the moment we have specified and arbitrary time delay (10 minutes) between each policy installation as there is no support for concurrent policy installation in r80.40.
We are uploading all policies on a schedule, including policies that may not necessarily have had any published changes since they were last uploaded.
- Are there any caveats, specifically in relation to connectivity and resource consumption, you know of that may negatively impact an active unit in Cluster XL HA in this scenario?
- Our goal is to determine which policies have had changes since they were last uploaded and only upload those policies. The would potentially reduce the duration of our scheduled policy upload windows.
- To achieve this we need a way to compare the last-modify-time parameter on a policy package object against the last time a policy package was installed.
- Is the last-modify-time parameter in the package object updated when a change is published to it?
- Can we somehow query the last policy package installation time? I don’t see an endpoint for this in the 1.6.1 API reference.
I have a script which determines which policies were impacted by changes made in the last published session. But this does not show changes made to all published sessions over a specific period i.e. since the policy was last uploaded.
Can you suggest an alternate method by which we can achieve this outcome?