I am currently working on SmartEvent policies (especially Scans, Denial of service, Abnomalies policies) and I need to set detection thresholds. One way to adjust them is to use the "Max Num Count Detected" (max_num_count_detected) field we can find in correlated logs. Getting this field for a number of logs for given events could allow me to analyze current behaviours and define baseline thresholds adapted to my traffic.
I have tried to use "fwm logexport" on my log server and filter returned logs (grep, cut,..) but it looks like "fwm logexport" returns inconsistent line format in my case. For example, below is an extract of 3 lines in an export :
;udp;389;;;;;;;;;;2000;IP sweep from internal network;
;udp;389;;;;;;;2000;IP sweep from internal network;
;udp;389;;;;;2000;IP sweep from internal network;
On that part of the export, the number of empty fields is not always the same....
So as I have problems with fwm logexport for the time being, I am trying to figure another way around to export logs with all the fields I am interested in.