It all depends whether the domain is already classified by Checkpoint as being DNS bad reputation. C&C and so on.If this is the case with the enabling of DNS trap SK74060 will block this communication. Checkpoint has added a lot features under the Threat Protection. URL filtering, Application control, DNS Trap, DNS reputation, IP reputations are really helpful and provide a multi layer protection.
In the case that a DNS entry is not classified by Checkpoint but you want to block DNS requests for a specific DNS entry I can suggest the following:
a) Follow the SK74060
b) Block all direct client DNS requests to the Internet.
c) Configure all your clients to use your Internal DNS server.
d) Add a DNS entry to the Host file of your DNS server with the Bogus IP.
In this way, your clients will be forced to use only your Internal DNS server and in the case that they query the DNS entry of your customised "malicious" domain you will have an exact log of who that client requested that log.
Having that log is very important in order to pinpoint which client is making this request.
Charris Lappas