I'm having my first look at R80 using demo mode. Specifically because I'm trying to demo admin permissions profiles. I need to give a bunch of admins permissions to ONLY be able to edit the URL Filtering policy. Fumbling my way through I've now set up a new layered policy, with URLF policy in its own layer, and I've created a new admin user and given it a new "URLF_Permissions" permissions profile...
In this new profile, under Access Control > Actions, I've selected the bottom box, but not "Install Policy". (see below)
I've logged back in to demo mode with my new user and sure enough I have read/write to the URL Filtering layer, and read only to everything else. Great.
As to be expected, at the moment I can not install the policy. So here's my question... If I tick the "Install Policy" box in the permissions profile, what happens when other admins are logged in making changes which they've published, but not yet installed? When I install, will it install ONLY the changes I've made to the URLF policy? Or will my install also install any other pending changes that other admins have made to other layers?