We´re trying to integrate the Trend Micro Vision One solution (distribution of IOCs IPs) via SAM.
Created two OPSEC aplication objects, one for each internal gateway (two different DCs). Configured trend micro to distribute the info to the manager. I can see packets arriving the manager through TCPDUMP but nothing shows up in the Smartview Monitor.
On Trend Console there´s a message: "The maximum file size of the SAM database has been reached. Contact the Check Point administrator. (Error code: 10271)".
Trend Micro GW is a server LAN based, same network as the Smart Console.
OPSEC object config:
Host: [trendmicro GW IP]
Vendor: user defined
client entities selected: SAM
Communication Status: Trust established
Trend micro gw config:
server address: [SmartConsole IP]
Port: 18183
OPSEC app name: same as CKP object
SIC password: same as CKP object