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Migrate Export failing on R80.30

Hello all,

I'm facing an issue with migrate export. It keeps failing (trying export to R80.40 and R81) with no obvious reason at the logs

./migrate_server export -skip_upgrade_tools_check -v R81 /var/log/cp_export_R81.tgz

16Dec2020-130002: Failed to export: Task was interrupted because of server restart
Detailed upgrade report is available at /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/upgrade_report-2020.12.16_12.54.46.html

I tried this many times. Also i don't have EPM (read many posts about EPM causing issues)


Any ideas ?


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current 40G 24G 14G 64% /
/dev/sda1 289M 40M 235M 15% /boot
tmpfs 5.9G 4.0K 5.9G 1% /dev/shm
/dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_log 204G 142G 52G 74% /var/log


LVM overview
Size(GB) Used(GB) Configurable Description
lv_current 40 24 yes Check Point OS and products
lv_log 210 142 yes Logs volume
upgrade 44 N/A no Reserved for version upgrade
swap 8 N/A no Swap volume size
free 27 N/A no Unused space
------- ----
total 329 N/A no Total size


[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetProductVersion] Got product's version
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- GetProductVersion
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> CompareVersionSets
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> IsVersionSetValid
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- IsVersionSetValid
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> IsVersionSetValid
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- IsVersionSetValid
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [CompareVersionSets] Source version: 6.0,5,0
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [CompareVersionSets] Destination version: 6.0,4,8
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [CompareVersionSets] Destination version is earlier
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- CompareVersionSets
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [CondRenInstalled::IsConditionHolds] Version installed on the machine already includes Ren
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- CondRenInstalled::IsConditionHolds
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ConditionalExecutor::exec] Condition holds, executing activity
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> ModifiedInspectChecker::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> GetMigrateUtilPath
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> UpgradeMacroReplacer::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- UpgradeMacroReplacer::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetMigrateUtilPath] Looking for migrate helper utility in path '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//migrate_utils/update_inspect_files'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> UpgradeMacroReplacer::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- UpgradeMacroReplacer::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetMigrateUtilPath] Utility is not found in this path, presuming it is in default location at '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- GetMigrateUtilPath
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> GetCMPProductDirList
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR7520CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR7540CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR76CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPSFWR77CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR77CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR75CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPNGXCMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPSG80CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPR71CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPSG80R75CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [GetCMPProductDirList] Adding /opt/CPSFWR80CMP-R80.30to the list
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- GetCMPProductDirList
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR7520CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR7520CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR7540CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR7540CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR76CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR76CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSFWR77CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSFWR77CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR77CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR77CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR75CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR75CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPNGXCMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPNGXCMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSG80CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSG80CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR71CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPR71CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSG80R75CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSG80R75CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSFWR80CMP-R80.30/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPSFWR80CMP-R80.30/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Going to execute command: '/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/lib'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] Command completed with an exit code -1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ExecCommandGetOutput] ERR: The given exit code indicates an error
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- ExecCommandGetOutput
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ModifiedInspectChecker::exec] Command's output:
/opt/CPupgrade-tools-R81/bin//update_inspect_files -mode export -path /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/lib: No such file or directory
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> Announcer::Announcer
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- Announcer::Announcer
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ....--> GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ....<-- GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'inplace_upgrade' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'migrating_mds' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [IsRunningInteractively] Running non-interactively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- ModifiedInspectChecker::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] <-- ConditionalExecutor::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Activity 'ConditionalExecutor' succeeded
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Executing activity 'Announcer'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] --> Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'inplace_upgrade' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'migrating_mds' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [IsRunningInteractively] Running non-interactively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] <-- Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Activity 'Announcer' succeeded
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ProgressUpdater::UpdateProgressToGaia] Progress Updated to '95.7447
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Executing activity 'ConditionalExecutor'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] --> ConditionalExecutor::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ConditionalExecutor::exec] Executing condition for activity 'Announcer'
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> NotCondition::IsConditionHolds
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> UserOptionChecker::IsConditionHolds
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [UserOptionChecker::IsConditionHolds] Checking whether option have_source_dir is set
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'have_source_dir' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [UserOptionChecker::IsConditionHolds] No, option is not set
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- UserOptionChecker::IsConditionHolds
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [NotCondition::IsConditionHolds] After applying 'not' to a condition the result is: 1
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- NotCondition::IsConditionHolds
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ConditionalExecutor::exec] Condition holds, executing activity
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..--> IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...--> GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ...<-- GetConfig
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'inplace_upgrade' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] fwobj_hierarchic_getobj: Failed to locate attribute 'migrating_mds' .
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [IsRunningInteractively] Running non-interactively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] ..<-- IsRunningInteractively
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- Announcer::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] <-- ConditionalExecutor::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Activity 'ConditionalExecutor' succeeded
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Activities execution finished successfully
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [ActivitiesManager::exec] Designated exit code is 0
[16 Dec 12:54:57] --> CleanupManager::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] <-- CleanupManager::Instance
[16 Dec 12:54:57] --> CleanupManager::DoCleanup
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [CleanupManager::DoCleanup] Starting to perform cleanup
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> NoSpaceNotifierCleaner::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [NoSpaceNotifierCleaner::exec] Starting notificator about lack of space during export
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [NoSpaceNotifierCleaner::exec] Export completed successfully, nothing to do
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .<-- NoSpaceNotifierCleaner::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] .--> DirCleaner::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:57] [DirCleaner::exec] Going to remove directory '/opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/tmp/migrate/'
[16 Dec 12:54:58] .<-- DirCleaner::exec
[16 Dec 12:54:58] [CleanupManager::DoCleanup] Completed the cleanup
[16 Dec 12:54:58] <-- CleanupManager::DoCleanup

0 Kudos
9 Replies

What does the referenced upgrade report say?

0 Kudos


0 Kudos

Have you solved this issue? I have similar content in log with R80.40 -> R81, but all "green" before "User Data" - migrate_server export -v R81 -skip_upgrade_tools_check  ...  fails at 18%. migrate_server.png



Have you resolve your issue? 
I got the same one. I found out that there is a file missing in the tools and it cannot locate in other directory. 
Thus the export was fail.

0 Kudos



I'm sorry for your bad experience.

I will appreciate if you can share more information about the missing file, so we will be able to fix the issue. 

You can email me directly. 




0 Kudos

Hi Itai,

Same here. I wanted to go from R80.30 -> R80.40. At 68% I got his message:

18Nov2021-165654: Failed to export: Task was interrupted because of server restart

I rebuilt the SmartCenter in my lab. You can have a look at on this, if you want.



0 Kudos

Hello how did you were able to get to this report while the import/export in process?

0 Kudos

How did you solve this? I am encountering the same issue from R80.40 to R81.10 😞 

0 Kudos

Hi Julia

As I remember there was a SIC error. I opened a TAC case, and the TAC solved my problem. The route  cause was that, however the fix was included in the Jumbo Hotfix, somehow it wasn't in the take.

I suggest you to open a case.



0 Kudos


Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol.

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