We deployed a cloud template with a management server and gateways. I've not done a setup from scratch before and am having issues getting proper ssh access to the management server so I can pull logs and run some debugging tools. I can get to expert via the cli in the gaia web portal but not via something like putty./
We are running R80.40 on latest hotfix
I used clish to reset the admin password and save config so I know I've got the correct admin password.
I've checked /etc/ssh/sshd_config and made sure password authentication is yes under the match statement. I've made sure to restart the sshd service after changing it.
Whenever I try to login as admin, I get an access denied. I'm not sure which log is going to provide the best info, but I do see under /var/log/audit/audit.log that the admin account is ussing sshd with a "res=failed"
Any idea why I'm I'm getting access denied on ssh login?