Hello Amir,
I really appreciate your reply.
First of all, I just want to confirm that the upgrade went well from R80.40 to R81.20 using Advanced Upgrade (migrate_server export and import on the new AWS EC2 MDS). Export/ import took about 2 hrs for a 2 GB database, 11 CMAs.
I have planned this upgrade for the past 2 months. AWS deployments are different to manage from on prem - for example Leading IP address which is tied to eth0 adapter can't be reused to another EC2 instance unless you terminate it (EC2)- which was not possible as this was the roll back plan. Secondary IP addresses (11 in my case) can be re-assigned.
CPUSE upgrade failed - TAC confirmed that the file system (XFS) is not supported by the upgrade tool agent - not being documented!
About Leading IP address - new MDS R81.20 EC2 instance had a new IP address - this is mainly used for administrative purposes, for example admins to connect to and for MDS to talk to each individual domain.
Each CMA in my case is logging and it's using its own IP address, and logging worked after migration.
AWS Check Point AMI - I used R8120BYOLMGMT: ami-00e053dc6b41c8c83. Very quick deployment using m5.4xlarge. CP script is creating a 20 GB root partition!!?! I have provisioned a 2000 GB volume and CP script is creating a 20 GB root partition ?!
Of course that after importing the DB (was testing this about 1 month ago) import failed at 99%, because the root partition was full. Terminate instance, deploy a new one, lvm_manager to the rescue (always take snapshots, backups etc).
All the best!