Thanks Chris, I'm my customer's SE hence my post here 🙂
sk you've mentioned is quite old and does not reflect on the R81.10 though I found it useful but not 100% confident it is relevant to the newer GAIA's. Is there any chance to reflect on that and confirm whether newer builds comply with all the articles subject?
Solution ID: sk104788
ProductQuantum Smart-1
VersionR77.30 (EOL), R80.10 (EOL), R80.20 (EOL), R80.30 (EOL)
Last Modified2020-12-16
SMT (also called HyperThreading or HT) is a feature that is supported on Check Point appliances running Gaia OS 64-bit - refer to sk93000 - SMT (HyperThreading) Feature Guide.
SMT is disabled by default in all Smart-1 appliances. Do not enable SMT without specific testing.
In the Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Management Server realm, SMT can actually reduce performance. This is due to the fact that enabling HyperThreading reduces the logical CPU's Processing Frequency. For Multi-Threaded processes, this works quite well, but in the Security Management Server / Multi-Domain Security Management Server realm, the user level processes being run, i.e., FWM, CPD, FWD, CPCA, etc., are not currently Multi-Threaded. This means that if you split the Logical CPU Cores, these user level processes are still only running on one of those CPU cores, basically reducing the availability of the GHz to the CPU core. On top of this, if another user level process is running on a sister CPU core (the other "half" of the physical core), then those user level processes are sharing the physical CPU core's cache. This scenario could create cache resource on processor issues as described by Intel.
The next logical question would be, "Can't you run more processes in parallel with HyperThreading?" Well, yes you can. Those processes will just take a bit longer to actually complete, than running the same process through a non SMT core. In simulation testing for Multi-Domain Security Management Server, we see that HyperThreading caused an average decrease in performance by 11%. Only when we increased the amount of parallel processes, did we see a very minimal performance increase. For example, increasing the amount of Domains, to which the Global Policy can be pushed at a time. This minimal performance increase for these certain small amounts of operations that can be performed in parallel, were not helpful versus the overall performance decrease in other areas.
Performance of Disk Input/Output was the main bottleneck on almost all operations. Disk I/O processing is done by a single driver, single process. On the Smart-1 3050 and Smart-1 3150, it is the megaraidsas driver that performs this operation. It is not a multi-threaded process in current versions of Gaia OS.