more details once you got interested folks, personally those errors prevent operations on MDS and they're super annoying, nobody knows why revisions DB could get corrupted but it seems it is the case. anyone experienced similar bugs?
little debug below (with some details "unmarked" obviously).:
18/07/23 10:26:22,801 ERROR coresvc.internal.GlobalDomainAssignmentSvcImpl [taskExecutor-3669]: GlobalDomainAssignmentTask: caught exception.
CpmGeneralException{base=' An internal error has occurred.', errorCode='CP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED', errorFamily='null', messageForUser='null', message='An internal error has occurred.'}
17/07/23 11:58:13,602 INFO management.threat.IpsUpdateManager [taskExecutor-2092]: Reassign IPS update operation failed for domain: 8828bb85-097c-45ef-b61b-b2cff20b1ad1
17/07/23 11:58:13,719 INFO dleserver.utils.LogSaverForFailedTasks [taskExecutor-2092]: failed task logs will be saved to $MDS_FWDIR/log/failed_tasks/IPS_Update
17/07/23 11:58:13,719 INFO dleserver.utils.LogSaverForFailedTasks [taskExecutor-2092]: running command: $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/ 10 IPS_Management_Update_IPS_Update failed_on_assign true CMA-X_Management_Server IPS_Update
Running command: [$MDS_FWDIR/scripts/ 10 IPS_Management_Update_IPS_Update_failed_on_assign true CMA-X_Management_Server IPS_Update]
17/07/23 11:58:15,575 ERROR coresvc.internal.GlobalDomainAssignmentSvcImpl [taskExecutor-2092]: AGP failed. domain session ab862f38e0ed2cd38d1a19c016013eb2 has domain work session 4e85fdd6-5713-431e-a5f7-b8934a7242e4. discarding WorkSession '16d50d89-5353-4bd3-913a-47fd729919de'
PS. should you wish to help my Customer with that errors please have a quick look at the following SR: 6-0003674786