Installing policies on cluster does not change anything.
About the SK's you provided, one is how to retrieve logs and another one is in case the log file is corrupted and cannot be opened. I can open all log files but for few days back, the log files are very small.
I checked on GW's aswell, the same size for log files can be find on SMS and GW's.
I presume the active nodes are no longer sending fw logs and what i actually have is the passive node log.
Considering this i thought rebooting the active node will restart services and hopefully resolve the issue.
The FWD service is started on the active gw:
#cpwd_admin list
CPD 5063 E 1 [20:13:24] 1/3/2019 cpd Y
MPDAEMON 5097 E 1 [20:13:27] 1/3/2019 mpdaemon /opt/CPshrd-R75.40/log/mpdaemon.elg /opt/CPshrd-R75.40/conf/mpdaemon.conf N
CI_CLEANUP 5395 E 1 [20:13:46] 1/3/2019 avi_del_tmp_files N
CIHS 5407 E 1 [20:13:47] 1/3/2019 ci_http_server -j -f /opt/CPsuite-R75.40/fw1/conf/cihs.conf N
FWD 5409 E 1 [20:13:48] 1/3/2019 fwd N
RTMD 7376 E 1 [20:14:43] 1/3/2019 rtmd N