Thanks Tomer!
Makes sense.
My thinking here is (as always in this area) proceed with caution and usually under the advise of TAC.
This is just noise, you might not want to read it:
dbedit does still work (could've sworn it didn't in R80.x before) and I noticed it only promoted for localhost and no user authentication (that's different (no files to lock)).
I tried to create a network object (see below) and it worked (with the SmartConsole closed - and no publish in-between).
Was just a test, I know the API is the answer for that one and I would not recommend dbedit normally.
I was curious and thought/think it may be more about the Global Properties stuff and advanced object properties.
[Expert@SMS:0]# clish -c 'show version all'
Product version Check Point Gaia R80.10
OS build 421
OS kernel version 2.6.18-92cpx86_64
OS edition 64-bit
[Expert@SMS:0]# dbedit
Enter Server name (ENTER for 'localhost'):
Please enter a command, -h for help or -q to quit:
dbedit> create network mgmt-net2
dbedit> modify network_objects mgmt-net2 ipaddr
dbedit> modify network_objects mgmt-net2 netmask
dbedit> update_all
network_objects::mgmt-net2 Updated Successfully
Well that was fun, now, where was I...