If you were previously terminating ISP on a Check Point, then it had the IP in the Public range assigned to its external interface.
Now you have introduced the router and are terminating ISP traffic on it.
Questions that should be answered and the points to be considered are:
1. Is the network between ISP and your router part of you public range?
2. If the answer for [1] "Yes", than what is the network between the router and the external interface of the firewall is defined as?
3. Do you perform 1:1 NAT on the router to get the inbound traffic translated to the external interface's IP range?
4. Do you have a simple Static NAT configured on the Web Server object that translates its actual IP to the IP in the range assigned to the external interface?
5. No manual ARP NAT configuration is required if Static NAT is defined in the properties of the web server.