Well this was a disaster, we got someone on site, plugged into via console and all the network config was still in place (and credentials), I enabled mgmt port and put on it, then got them to connect via browser and it asked to go through first time wizard which we did, it completed fine, went back to console and confirmed the IP address was still there on bond1, however I could not ping it from the gateway in the same subnet, I tried setting management interface to eth1 which it did not allow me to do (was now set as mgmt) and unfortunately the tech had to bolt and I did not get any further.
bond1 is up, both members, lacp is formed and the switch sees the lacp packets, however I am not learning any mac address from the interfaces. Since I know the mac of that interface, I added both a static mac and arp entry to the router but still no joy.
The reason for not connecting mgmt to the switch was they aren't allowed to connect or move any cabling. Ill need to get them back onsite, however I am not really sure what I am going to do next time, why wont bond1 with a valid IP and mask on it respond to something in the same subnet? config is identical to our other device.