I'm repeatedly seeing an issue and wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this?
Each month I run a scheduled report on IPS. I often get one or two things show in the report as "Not Prevented". They are different IPS protections each time, so this is just an example using last month's report.

Notice one occurrence where it was "not prevented".
Drill down in the logs and I see this. Pages of "Prevent" for this particular protection, and a single random entry where it wasn't prevented.

When I open the log card I get this. Note that when this happens there is no "destination" IP logged.

The packet capture mentioned in the log card doesn't exist anywhere (as per sk120773).
Last month I opened an SR with TAC for the same issue and they basically threw their hands in the air and said "dunno!". They asked me to run tcpdump to capture it next time so they can investigate. I replied saying it only happens once or twice a month, I don't know the source, or the protection that is going to fail, and there is no destination when it happens, so the only option is to leave tcpdump running with no filters, and wait for it to happen. Not at all feasible.
This happened previously on R80.30. I have since put in new gateway appliances on R80.40 T78 and it's still happening.
So before I go back to TAC and get the "dunno!" response again, does anybody have any ideas why this issue is happening? If there's no destination IP in the packet, how it is getting to me in the first place?