Hi Henrik,
Can you please elaborate on the way you usually handle your IPS protections? Are you saying that following an IPS update, you select all staging protections, override their action to Detect, and install policy? We are interested with your use case.
This is indeed a limitation of the R80 GUI application. We plan to address that in later releases.
A workaround could be writing a tool using the following R80 API commands.
Edit: This is actually a combination of the GUI and the API commands. This could be automated a little bit but here it goes:
1. Inside the IPS Protections view, filter to only show protections in staging mode. Select Actions-->Export to export them to a CSV file.
2. copy the names of these protections and create a batch API file to set all of their actions to Detect. For example, let's say we have 3 profiles - Optimized, Strict and Basic, and 2 protections currently in staging - "MyApplication Params Overflow" and "GigaCom Protocol Abuse". Their CSV will look like this:
Protection,Industry Reference,Release Date,Update Date,Performance Impact,Severity,Confidence Level,Optimized,Strict,Basic MyApplication Params Overflow,,12-11-15,12-11-15,Medium,Medium,Medium,Inactive,Detect,Inactive, GigaCom Protocol Abuse,,19-05-15,26-05-15,Medium,N/A,Medium,Inactive,Detect,Inactive, |
modify it so that it now looks like this:
set threat-protection name "MyApplication Params Overflow" overrides.1.profile Basic overrides.1.action Detect overrides.2.profile Optimized overrides.2.action Detect overrides.3.profile Strict overrides.3.action Detect set threat-protection name "GigaCom Protocol Abuse" overrides.1.profile Basic overrides.1.action Detect overrides.2.profile Optimized overrides.2.action Detect overrides.3.profile Strict overrides.3.action Detect |
save that file.
3. Open the Command Line.

4. Open that file and run it.