There is another way to do what you what you want. Create what is called some Dymanic global objects, groups in this case, that you can use in the global policy, where instead of creating 2 rules, which have the same function only different source and destination, you create 1 rule with the newly created global dynamic objects in them as source and destination. Naming forGlobal dynamic objects is ending in _global ie Regional_AD_servers_global
In the CMA itself you create a standard simple group with the exact same name as the dynamic object you created in the global rulebase. In the CMA you add the AD servers for that region into that group, it can be global objects or CMA local objects.
this way you can easily create a global rule that is more general than you would expect. We use this to allow access to specific devices or networks that need to be added into the global groups.
In the global rules we have our management access control towards the FW's themselves, the SSH and GUI access is controlled to be allowed only from specific hosts and the destinations are set by the GBL.Gateways_global group where we add the FW's. I hope this helps and gives you a better idea how to control things in a more elegant way.
Regards, Maarten