Just resolved this for myself. The verdict is this: your colleague may have exported the Active, but not Primary.
There is a recovery procedure for this scenario with following caveats:
There are no licenses except local management in this server's database.
So for the lab, it'll work just fine, provided you/friend are not planning to manage anything with it, else, eval licenses.
R80.40 Security Management Admin guide has it described, but here's the summary:
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# $MDS_FWDIR/scripts/cpm_status.sh
Check Point Security Management Server is running and ready
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# $FWDIR/bin/promote_util
Binding to localhost...Done
Opening database...Done
Promoting, please wait...
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# cpstop
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# ls -la $FWDIR/conf/mgha
total 52
drwx------ 2 admin config 6 Feb 12 22:05 .
drwxrwx--x 45 admin root 36864 Feb 13 00:57 ..
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# mv $FWDIR/conf/mgha $FWDIR/conf/mgha_old
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# cpstart
...after SmartConsole cleanup:
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# ls $FWDIR/conf/ |grep mgha
[Expert@2ndMGMT:0]# ls -la $FWDIR/conf/mgha
total 64
drwx------ 2 admin root 65 Feb 12 23:58 .
drwxrwx--x 45 admin root 36864 Feb 13 00:57 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 admin root 147 Feb 12 23:58 ca.jrnl
-rw-rw---- 1 admin root 53 Feb 12 23:58 journal_repository
-rw-rw---- 1 admin root 147 Feb 12 23:58 pgsql.jrnl