seems you've got exactly the same kernel params like myself, see nothing wrong with it though but what is worrying me a little is how your SSD is engaged with 4 Core's (2 of which are on 14% on your screenshot) and if you say you've got 16GB or RAM --- how much swap is being utilized.
One question then - what is the current "uptime" of your machine and if possible can you show us again the "top -H" after it boots (like after first 5-10 minutes of work)?
To me it looks very suspicious how your GAIA behave knowing it's on SSD drive with 16GB of RAM and 4 Core CPU. I think that this deserve decent investigation from the kernel side unless you've already played yourself with SIM affinity and NIC/CORE/RAM associations did you?
I believe your issues are due to the performance not configuration issues therefore solving it would be quite complicated.
It happened to me that for example 16GB or RAM on my GAIA was 2 x 8 GB but RAM modules differed - this made GAIA sluggish like a hell 
Also, 360GB SSD - what is that? Crossair? Samsung? or maybe Hitachi one? Just out of my curiosity as you know ALL SSD's are different and ALL behaving differently depending on speed factors and what NAND modules are in use.
I'd be very happy to help going forward but I guess we need a little bit more t-shooting here if you don't mind 