Did you use the correct migration tools from R80.10, get the latest migration tools copied and try the following commands
# mdsenv <domainServer_name>
Before you export the database, make sure that you remove the Global Policy from the source Domain Server.
# <full path to migrate command> migrate export [-l] <output file>
The optional –l flag includes closed log files and SmartLog data from the source Domain Server in the output archive
Also if the MDS/CMA has any VSX/VSs configured it will not be able to import so you have to do the following hack on the new R80.10 MDS
Create a file named AllowVsxMigration in the root directory of your MDS machine as follows:
touch /AllowVsxMigration
On the R80 Multi-Domain Server, run these API commands to create a new Domain and a new Domain Server (without starting it):
# mgmt_cli login <user_name> <password>
# mgmt_cli add domain name <my_domain_name> servers.ip-address <my_IP_address> servers.name <my_domain_server_name> servers.multi-domain-server <R80_multi-domain-server_Name> servers.skip-start-domain-server true
Copy the TGZ file from the R77.xx Domain Server to the R80 Multi-Domain Server.
When the new Domain is ready, import the exported database:
# cma_migrate <source_server> <new_server>/<FWDIR_path>
For example: # cma_migrate /tmp/myR77-30.tgz /opt/CPmds-r80/domains/my_dms/CPsuite-R80/fw1