I spent an exhaustive amount of time testing our 80.10->80.30 upgrades to make sure I had all of my ducks in a row. But my VM environment couldn't prepare me for this error:
The package failed to install at Sat Dec 7 10:15:36 2019 (and 4 more times)
Reason of failure: Failed during MDS setup.
Failed to execute: . /opt/CPshared/5.0/tmp/.CPprofile.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 ; export MDS_SYSTEM=/mnt/fcd/sysimg/CPwrapper/linux/p1_install/system; export UPGRADE_CONTEXT=cpuse; export CPUSE_SHOW_PROGRESS_ID=Check_Point_R80.30_T200_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade_Security_Management.tgz; /mnt/fcd//sysimg/CPwrapper/linux/p1_install/system/install//export_mds.sh -b -t /mnt/fcd/exported_mds_settings >> /var/log/install_Major_R80.30_Mgmt_T200_1_detailed.log 2>&1
Took forever chasing the logs to discover that, for some reason in /opt/CPmds-R80/tmp there was a symlink named "migrate". It pointed to /var/log/BackBox/migrate.
Problem is, the upgrade process attempts to create /opt/CPmds-R80/tmp/migrate.
Deleted the symlink and BOOM goes the dynamite and the upgrade took off and completed.
Wanted to put this here so the next poor person running into this doesn't pull the last little bit of hair they have left out. In other news, I don't need hair cuts any longer and our database got a clean-ish bill of health from CPM Doctor.
There's a SK forthcoming.
Unfortunately, the 80.30 upgrade tanked our MDS. Long 31 hour story later, our reversion to the snapshot taken by 80.30's installer is complete and we're back to square one. Which is good, because I negelected to snag a copy of our user.def.FW1 file.
Scripts are forth coming to backup and replicate that file to our secondary MDS - it isn't replicated or grabbed during an mds_backup.