Hi there,
I have a question, having smart task to check if IDA Access role objects have been modified/created.. If yes, policy to dedicated PDP gateways is pushed. Smart task trigger is after publish with bash script below.
trigger_json=`echo $1 | base64 --decode -i`
session_objcets=`echo $trigger_json | jq '.operations | (."added-objects"[] | {"name":.name , "type":.type}) , (."deleted-objects"[] | {"name":.name, "type":.type}), (."modified-objects"[] | {"name":."new-object".name, "type":."new-object".type})' | jq -s .`
session_objects_details=`echo $session_objcets | jq '.[] | {"name":.name, "type":.type, "valid_type": ( [.type]-["access-role"]| length == 0)}' | jq -s .`
number_of_objects_changed=`echo $session_objects_details | jq '.[] | select(."valid_type" == true)' | jq -s '. | length'`
list_of_objects_changed=`echo $session_objects_details | jq '.[] | select(."valid_type" == true)' | jq -s -c '[.[] | .name]' | tr -d [ | tr -d ]`
if [ $number_of_objects_changed -gt 0 ]; then
mgmt_cli -r true install-policy policy-package "AXXXX" access true threat-prevention false targets.1 "XXX" targets.2 "YYY" --format json > /dev/null 2>&1
m1="IDA objects changed, PDP policy was installed on IAP gateways"
m2="The following objects were modified : $list_of_objects_changed"
printf '{"result":"success","message":"%s %s"}\n' "$m1" "$m2"
exit 0
m1="No IDA objects changed, I wont install PDP policy"
printf '{"result":"success","message":"%s"}\n' "$m1"
exit 0
This works fine if you do just few changes in GUI..
There is an issue when there are many changes like updating cluster objects with 250 interfaces - get interfaces with topology, basically huge publish changes via GUI.. smart task will crash after 300 sec (max running time) with no output.
I tested also something like this, just to get all data before sorting, same it did not produced any output at all:
trigger_json=`echo $1 | base64 --decode -i`
printf "trigger_json"
So my question is, did someone tested to run smart task (after publish trigger) when there are more changes published, specially if you modify cluster object as I described? Or is there other way how to get operations data after publish?