When I ran the script, it doesn't read from the log_files_to_transfer.txt. My example below uses a SSH key for authentication to the remote host. Without the ssh key, then there's no method for authentication with SFTP.
#Find log files inside the /var/log directory that are at least three months old and store those files in a #text file.
find $FWDIR/log/ -name "2021*" -type f -mtime +5 2> /dev/null > log_files_to_transfer.txt
#Send all of the files found to the remote log server via sftp.
for file in `cat log_files_to_transfer.txt`
echo put $file | sftp -b- -i /home/admin/.ssh/SSHKEY <user>@<ip>:<directory>
If you're running it from a cronjob, then the script won't understand the $FWDIR environment variable and it will need to be sourced first. This can be added above your first find statement.
source /tmp/.CPprofile.sh
I didn't test the log removal section of your script. I would consider using the built-in log storage management functionality that can be found in SmartConsole rather than scripting the removal of log files. The copy script can be referenced to run before log deletion.
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