Hi there!
We have some Android Tablets in our Environment (internal network) and want the apps to be up to date. We want to ensure, that only needed things are allow outbound.
So i checked the google article Android Enterprise Network Requirements - Android Enterprise Help (https://support.google.com/work/android/answer/10513641?hl=en) and created the following Access Control rule:
Source: Android_Tablet (Group of IPs of the Tablets)
Destination: Listed URLs of the Google support article + as a try "Google - HTTPS bypass" Updateable Object
Service & Applications: Any
Action: Accept
I have also added an HTTPS Insprection Rule:
Source: Android_Tablet (Group of IPs of the Tablets)
Destination: "Google - HTTPS bypass" Updateable Object
Service: https
Action: Bypass
After setting this i'm able to open the Playstore and see the apps. When i want to install an app or update an app, it seems to start but failed/time out after some time.
When i check the logs, there is still some IPs blocked. ( - https 443 or - UDP/443 or - https/443)
When i allow that ip also, updates and app install is working fine, but we are not allowed to use IP Adresses that we are not able to associate.
How does u guys allow android playstore app update?