Hi, im trying to activate my identity Awareness blade on R80 gateway, in the wizard the connection with my AD result ok, but when Im trying to create a Access Role requesting a list of users of the domain controller, it doesn't work.
When I use the test_ad_connectivity -x itsvsa.com.ve -o my_test2.txt -s -w command on expert mode, I can see these results:
[Expert@gwr801:0]# cat my_test2.txt
:status (SUCCESS_WMI)
:wmi_status (ADLOG_SUCCESS)
:timestamp ("Fri Nov 23 10:37:19 2018")
Using another diagnostic commands, the output shows connection with the active directory, in fact I can observe data for machines on =the domain an users of certainf OUs. but in the Securty Management I can not obtaing the user list, to create access roles based rules.
other ouptputs:
[Expert@gwr801:0]# adlog a dc
Domain controllers:
Domain Name IP Address Events (last hour) Connection state
itsvsa.com.ve 167 has connection
Ignored domain controllers on this gateway:
No ignored domain controllers found.
I can see detailed information of the domain via shell, but not on the Security management,
thanks for anyone help me.