dear all
i need to replace clusterXL firewall with maestro solution
but i dont understand how to duplicate secureXL configuration on mho
Exemple :
each of my firewall are connected to the network with real IP and virtual IP for the lan
So i have a MHO in cluster but assignated port on my security group are seen independatly on the maestro gateway assigned to the security group where eth1-05 represent the mho port lan on mho1 and eth2-05 represent the mho port lan on mho2

when i push the configuration on the firewall there are seen as 2 distinct port but i need to see these ports as a unique port like in secureXL configuration :

So how i have to configure the mhos in oder to have the same configuration
i have to configure lacp with this 2 ports on my maestro firewall ?
It is possible to switch theses two ports on the mho in order to see them as a unique port on my mastro firewall ?
Thanks for reading