In my checkpoint Maestro environment, I have successfully created a network activity report (using the existing templates) to see general top users across all firewall blades. We are receiving info in the report and can see from the drill down in SmartView (or logviewer) the sources and destinations matches the firewall rule which has been enabled for per connection and per session tracking.
What is seen is a list of the first 3 matching sources and/or destinations in the report and the rest is not visible ..just says, for example, '11 more destinations' but does not list them in the report e.g. see attached snips

I cannot see a setting in General Overview or Access Control where these can be expanded to show all the list of sources or destinations when the report is generated. Is there a setting that needs adjusting for this list to be visible? Or is this a default that cannot be changed? How can this be modified so these details can be visible in the report generated?