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Dual Site Single Maestro Hyperscale Orchestrator Cluster (Dual Site Single MHO Redundancy)


i need your help to know the requirements of how do i need to configure the L2 switches interfaces that connect to the MHO devices? Actually the escenario es Two sites, and each site with one MHO. So my configuration in the ports that connect to each MHO is....


L2 Switch Site #1

interface Ethernet1/36
description SITE1-CP-MHO-1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 3600,3951
spanning-tree port type edge
mtu 9216
no shutdown


L2 Switch Site #2

interface Ethernet1/36
description SITE2-CP-MHO-1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 3600,3951
spanning-tree port type edge
mtu 9216
no shutdown


I would like to know if the configuration is fine? Because i do not manage the MHO devices.


Best regards...

3 Replies

I'd suggest having a look at sk168092

and now to something completely different - CCVS, CCAS, CCTE, CCCS, CCSM elite

The most important part of that SK being this part:

  • All switches (scenarios #2 and #3) must support 802.1ad ("QinQ") and allow packets with more than 1 VLAN tag. MTU increment may be required on relevant ports.

Raise the MTU above 1500 on the ports and make sure you have QinQ enabled otherwise it will just not work, even if you allow all mentioned VLANs.

Regards, Maarten

Not knowing your whole design, it looks fine!. I would assume that you are aware of the need to adjust MTU 'all the way' so to say.. If you have any other switches along the way to the other site - you need to adjust MTU there to. So - if the two site switches are connected by a fiber or something, you will need to adjust the MTU there to...  

I would recomend, if you have that possibility - to try and use a dedicated cable if you can, and the just plug em' togheter and leave the whole MTU config be. You have probaly looked into this allready, just thought I would mentione it anyway 🙂