Ok....I have a follow up question:
Are these configs all done within vs0 or do i have to go into each VS where those bonds are used?
[Expert@TESTVSLS:0]# cat $FWDIR/conf/cpha_bond_ls_config.conf
# File name: $FWDIR/conf/cpha_bond_ls_config.conf
# This file is used to describe for each bond in Active/Active mode
# what is the required number of active slaves.
# If the number of active slaves on a bond is lower then the required
# slaves number, the bond interface will be marked as DOWN.
# If there is a bond interface in Active/Active, and there is no
# entry for it in this file, its required slaves num will be:
# The number of configured slaves minus 1.
# Fill this file in the following syntax:
# <bond name> <number of required slaves>
# Example:
# bond0 2
bond1 1
bond3 1
Bond 1 is my management network. After making these changes, I was able to down 3 of the 4 interfaces and keep VS0 active on the node.
Bond3 is used for VS1 VLAN networks. When I admin down more than 2 interfaces, its following the ns-1 default.
So do I need to do the following:
1) vsenv 1 to go into the VS
2) Then do the update for Bond 3: "cphaconf bond_ls set bond3 1"
I would also remove bond3 from the original file
So....end state, if i "cat $FWDIR/conf/cpha_bond_ls_config.conf" from VSO, i should only see the bond1
If i "cat $FWDIR/conf/cpha_bond_ls_config.conf " from VS1, I should only see bond3
Is that correct?