In R80+ Management most of the "heavy lifting" occurs on the SMS cores, and the SmartConsole software isn't responsible for much other than displaying what the SMS tells it to (at least compared to the R77.XX SmartDashboard). Any time you experience issues with the SmartConsole software itself, my recommendations always are:
1) Obtain the latest version of the SmartConsole software, most sites I see are still running the initial version of SmartConsole code provided with the vanilla version of a particular release:
sk110892: R77.30 SmartConsole and SmartDomain Manager for Windows 10
sk119612: R80.10 SmartConsole Releases
sk137593: R80.20 SmartConsole Releases
2) Make sure your Windows system meets the requirements for the SmartConsole software, which is at least a Intel Pentium Processor E2140 or 2 GHz equivalent processor and 4GB of RAM (very important). Windows 7-10.
3) The SmartConsole software is heavily dependent on the .NET framework from Microsoft, via Windows Update make sure your .NET libraries are up to date, particularly on older OS versions like Windows 7.
4) If you find a reproducible functionality, stability, or performance issue first enable SmartConsole debugging under Manage & Settings...Preferences...Start Debugging then reproduce the issue. Once complete, return to this screen and click Stop debugging and you will be informed where the debug file was written. Looking through this debug can provide valuable insight into what the SmartConsole software is having issues with, or can be provided to TAC.
5) If trying to use the SmartConsole software via an RDP Session and stability or performance issues are experienced, see these SKs:
sk124573: SmartConsole stops working when connecting directly with RDP
sk123734: SmartConsole slow rendering when running through Remote Desktop
6) If there is high latency between the SmartConsole and the SMS, the SmartConsole software will respond slowly. This effect starts to become noticeable at latencies greater than 100ms, regardless of the amount of actual bandwidth available. The interactions between the SmartConsole and SMS seem to be very sequential (operation,ack,operation,ack), and apparently lack the ability to parallelize or pipeline operations. The only workaround for this is to establish a jump box running the SmartConsole close to the SMS where latency is low, then RDPing into the jump box to use SmartConsole. Just be sure to see #5 above if using RDP.
Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones