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SNMP trap if interface state changed

Hello guys,

R81.10 Take 79 VSX VSLS environment with many bond interfaces assigned to many different VSs.

I want to be notified if any of configured physical interfaces changes the status (from up to down, from down to up). Not only single interface not part of bond, but also the slave(s).

SNMP is running in VS mode with USM user configured. Agent is listening on any version (v2c or v3). Traps are configured to be sent over v2c. Polling interval is 20s, clear-trap set.

SNMP pre-configured trap LinkUpLinkDown should be exactly what I am looking for, right? The description of trap LinkUpLinkDown says:"Notifies when one of the links changes state to up or down. Sent each polling interval." Sounds like I just need to allow it and all will work, right? So I have enabled that pre-defined trap and tried to bring some slave interface part of bond down using "ifconfig eth1-01 down" and the trap is supposed to be sent, or ?

Well. NO.

Traps itself are working fine, since I tried to configure custom-traps which are working perfectly fine.

Anyone had issue while using LinkUpLinkDown traps? Any ideas why it is not working as intended ? I already setup custom-trap to check status of all interfaces, but in that custom trap I have only index of affected interface, not the name.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Jozko Mrkvicka
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2 Replies

I suspect the standard trap will only be sent if the bond goes down (not the sub-interfaces).
Might be worth a TAC case to confirm that.

0 Kudos

Im fairly positive @PhoneBoy is right, because I have a note about it from R77.xx versions. Maybe its changed in R80+...

0 Kudos


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