Management side: The license is working today. I'm not sure why it didn't work yesterday. I was able to log in fine today, no license error. Very nice.
Gateway side: I built the gw in legacy boot mode, (HP DL 360 gen 10) now rebuilding again in UEFI mode. The iso is not picking up with UEFI, any one else have this issue? I'm going to try R80.40 with UEFI, the R80.40 iso wouldn't boot up with UEFI either. Confirmed! CP doesn't support UEFI because of security reasons, sk154833 & sk114174.
Smart Event & Logging Server: Smart event settings/configurations ie blocking scans are imported after the new smart event server is built. migrate_server export / import did the trick.
Q1: Does anyone know why I have docker0 interface of on my manager and Smart Event VM? Is that part of R81, Check Point, or my own enviroment?
Behavior R81: I'm not seeing any changes made since last policy when pushing policy, even though I just made a change.?.? Update: After pushing policy the initial time, new changes were seen. Also, needed sk169714 for pushing TP the first time.