The installation of a Jumbo Hotfix fails on a Security Gateway with the error message:
Internal error in a hook script: fw1/bin/hook_fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R80_30_JUMBO_HF_MAIN. (Return Code: 1).
Contact Check Point Technical Services for further assistance.
Error: uninstalling of SmartReporter R80.30 R80_30_JUMBO_HF_MAIN failed - the machine might be in a unstable state. Contact Check Point Technical Services for further assistance.

This was caused by using the SecureXL Fast Accelerator (fw fast_accel) feature (sk156672).
#fw ctl fast_accel show_state and #fw ctl fast_accel show_table can be used to check if the feature is active and if the corresponding rules are present.
To install the Jumbo Hotfix the feature Fast Accelerator have to be disabled and the rules has to be removed.
#fw ctl fast_accel disable
#fw ctl fast_accel delete xxx
After installing the Jumbo Hotfix the feature can be activated again. Of course the rules have to be recreated as well.