Yes libpcap/tcpdump is receiving a copy of the frames before they are being processed by SecureXL or the INSPECT driver on the inbound side. The outbound side is a lot more complicated though depending on SecureXL and you may or may not see the packets leaving with tcpdump.
However there are four exceptions I can think of that would cause packets not to appear on the inbound interface via tcpdump:
1) A SAM/ADP card is in use on a 23000 series, in this case the NIC and firewall processing silicon are tightly integrated and tcpdump may not be able to see the inbound packets at all. Not sure if this will still apply with the new Falcon cards.
2) The incoming frame is errored due to framing/CRC/runt/jabber/etc. In this case the relevant error counters visible with ethtool -S and netstat -ni (RX-ERR) will be incremented, but the errored frame will not be passed up to libpcap/SecureXL/INSPECT at all.
3) The frame was dropped due to a hardware overrun in the NIC (++RX-OVR) or no ring buffer slots were available during hardware interrupt frame processing (++RX-DRP). You can view these two counters and RX-ERR with netstat -ni, as long as they don't move during your tcpdump capture exceptions 2 and 3 are not happening.
4) At the conclusion of your tcpdump the reported value of "dropped by kernel" is nonzero.
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