I have a internal Firewall which divides a LAN with lower security from a LAN with higher security. For this reason it does not need to NAT only routing and packetfiltering according to the rules.
However, i can not seem to get it to work without NAT. I have disabled NAT in the policy, in the gatway config, and also in the NAT section. But nothing goes through. For testing i have set the ruleset just any,any,any,any rules from an to both LAN (internal and external).
As soon as i enable NAT (hide NAT), packets are going through. But that's not what i need.
IP spoofing is also disabled and the network with the lower security is marked as external in the topology config as well as the other network with higher security, which is behind the FW, is marked as internal Network.
Am i missing something, do i have to enable routing explicitly or what could be the problem?
Btw, it's on 77.30 because it's a LAB environment which is a prep for a migration.
Cheers and thanks in advance,