Hi PhoneBoy,
I would like to ask if by any chance you have updates about PRJ-53794.
Maybe we can go with "limited support" for some time, but then I'm facing another challenge how to trust the server certificate when using TLS which for certain will be audit requirement. Can we somehow import the certificate as trusted in given CMA? Unfortunately, we do not have regular GW in the CMA.
The other option could be the use of generic data center object, but that requires JSON and we are using flat file format for all other vendors. Also, this option seems to be different as CMA server itself is checking for the updates on the external server and then is updating the GWs/VSs if needed.
Another strange thing I came across when testing both of these features is that they do not affect existing sessions. The session has to be terminated and re-initiated to get blocked. The Connection persistence option has no effect on this. For sure the Rematch is working when tested with regular rule not using network feed OR data center object.
This is crucial as this is intended as SOC automated tool which must block the connection immediately.
Do you think there is any other option to achieve this except the two mentioned?
As always, thank you for your help.